Life Cover
Life insurance, which can also be known as life cover or life assurance, is a type of policy that protects your loved ones with financial support if you die. Most life insurance policies are designed to pay out a cash sum to your loved ones if you die while covered by the policy.
This might be to repay your mortgage in full or replace loss of household earnings for your family to maintain their quality of life.
Critical Illness
Critical illness insurance provides you with a lump sum of money if you are diagnosed with certain illnesses or disabilities.
Insurance Services
At Norcutt Mortgages it’s as important for us to protect you and your home as it is getting you in there in the first place.
Everybody is different and we will build a bespoke package to suit your individual needs.
Income Protection
Income protection insurance pays you a regular income if you can't work because of sickness or disability and continues until you return to paid work, you retire or the policy end date. Income protection insurance is also known as permanent health insurance.
Building And Contents
Buildings and contents is a combined insurance that will cover or replace any damage that might occur to the house or its contents, including loss. It is essential for all mortgaged houses, and the majority of other homeowners who do not have a mortgage will also have this type of insurance. Both can be purchased separately depending on your circumstance and requirements.